Miren and Steve’s wedding was both traditional and not at the same time.   Non-traditionally from a wedding photography standpoint, we started the day with the bride and groom together at their home in Ashurst Wood and were accompanied by a number of the house’s other occupants – geese, swans, Indian Runner ducks and a fair sprinkling of cats (there were peacocks too but I didn’t get to see them!).

Traditionally there was a wedding car – a surprise for the groom, a split screen white camper van with just bundles of charm (you can find out more about how to hire the camper van here and I’ve got to say as well as being a stylish way to travel, it photographs just wonderfully).  We headed on over to Maidstone Register Office which is just one of the nicest registry offices in the area with gorgeous dark wood interior, space outside the stone building for groups and a tucked away herb garden for more intimate photos of the bride and groom.

Then it was back home to a chef whipping up a feast in the kitchen and for more photos of the bride and groom enjoying their house and grounds.  Dress and suit – traditional.  Wellies and duck food – not so much.  But very wonderful all the same.