Your Newborn Photography Questions Answered

a sleeping newborn wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in a Moses Basket

Your Newborn Photography Questions Answered – FAQs for Parents

Bringing your baby for their very first photo shoot is an exciting milestone, but it’s completely normal to have questions! From when to book to what to bring and how to prepare, I’ve put together answers to the most common queries about newborn photography sessions.

When Should I Book My Newborn Photo Shoot?

I always recommend booking while you’re still pregnant—ideally around your 20-week scan. The best time for newborn photos is between 5 and 14 days old, so securing your spot early means you don’t miss this tiny window of time. Since we don’t know exactly when your baby will arrive, I book sessions for your due date plus seven days and adjust if needed after birth.

What Happens If My Baby Arrives Early or Late?

That’s absolutely fine! If your baby arrives earlier or later than expected, we simply adjust your session date. The most important thing is to let me know as soon as possible after birth so I can accommodate any changes.

Where Does the Photo Shoot Take Place?

All newborn sessions take place in my warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down, which is fully equipped for newborn photography. The studio is designed to provide a calm, relaxed environment where both babies and parents feel comfortable.

How Long Does a Newborn Photo Shoot Last?

Newborn sessions are booked for up to two hours, giving us plenty of time for feeding, settling, and capturing those beautiful sleepy poses. There’s no rush—we work at your baby’s pace to ensure they are comfortable throughout.

Can we include siblings or pets in the session?

Absolutely! Including older siblings (or even the family dog) makes for wonderful, heartwarming photos. Just let me know in advance so we can plan the session setup accordingly.

  • Sessions are baby-focused, but parent, sibling and pet photos can be added at the end so you can still capture all of the family together.
  • When siblings are still quite young themselves, I recommend that they join us at the end of the session to avoid them getting bored
  • If pets are involved, a quick check for clean paws and noses!

What Should My Baby Wear?

Most of the images in a newborn session are captured with your baby wrapped, in delicate outfits, or with minimal clothing to highlight their tiny details. I provide a range of soft wraps, outfits, and accessories, but you’re also welcome to bring anything special you’d like included.

  • Minimalist approach: Less is more! Keep outfits simple to focus on baby’s features.
  • Classic neutrals: White, creams, and soft pastels work best.
  • Texture adds depth: Knitted or lace details look lovely in newborn portraits.
  • Special outfits: If you have something sentimental, like an heirloom outfit or hand knitted items, then I’d always say to bring them along and we’ll work them in to your session to make your images completely unique to you.

What if my baby has dry skin, baby acne, or scratches?

Newborn skin is always a little bit patchy, with baby acne, peeling areas and even scratches from those tiny fingernails that you never can quite get in the corners of!  It’s totally normal and to be expected by any newborn photographer and so don’t even worry about them.  Each newborn image is gently retouched to remove these temporary blemishes while keeping a normal skin texture so you see your new baby at their most perfect.

Thinking about booking your newborn session? The best time is during pregnancy to guarantee availability! Click here to get in touch and reserve your date.

Still Got Newborn Photography Questions?

If you’re wondering about anything else, my Newborn Photography FAQs cover everything you need to know—from what to expect on the day to how to prepare for your session. Whether it’s about outfits, sibling and pet involvement, or how to book, you’ll find all the answers here.

Do you ever have newborn sessions where you can’t get any photos at all?2025-02-17T12:39:46+00:00

It’s an understandable worry, but the short answer is no, that almost never happens. In my years of photographing newborns, there have only been a handful of times where a session simply couldn’t go ahead—and in those rare cases, it was usually due to a medical issue like colic, where the baby was truly uncomfortable.

That said, if for any reason your baby is unsettled and nothing we try is working, you should know that you’re always welcome to reschedule. Your newborn session isn’t a one-time-only opportunity—I can capture beautiful images at any stage in your baby’s first year. While newborn photos are wonderful, if nature isn’t on our side that day, we can still create stunning memories at a later time.

What If My Baby Has Baby Acne or Peeling Skin?2025-02-06T10:07:13+00:00

This is totally normal and nothing to worry about. I always use gentle editing to smooth out any temporary skin issues while keeping your baby’s features looking natural.  In fact, you can read all about the editing process for newborn photography in this comprehensive article. 

What if my Baby Won’t Settle for their Photos?2025-02-01T12:04:31+00:00

It’s completely normal for babies to need time to settle, feed, and cuddle during their session. That’s why I allow plenty of time for comfort breaks and work at a gentle, baby-led pace. There’s no pressure—we take things as they come to ensure a stress-free experience.

How does the Order Gallery Work?2025-01-15T15:02:29+00:00

My online gallery should be fairly familiar to you if you shop online but in case you need a bit of extra assistance, you can click on the button below to access a help document that walks you through how to access your gallery, choose your favourite images and place an order.  Of course, if you are having problems, just get in touch and I’m always happy to help.

When do I need to pay for my session?2025-01-13T18:43:12+00:00

You need to pay for your photo shoot when you book it.  If your session is more than two weeks away, then you have the option of paying a £20 deposit with the balance being due the week before your session.  Otherwise the full balance is due on booking.

If we buy digital files, can we print and share them?2025-01-15T15:02:38+00:00

When you buy a digital file from me, the copyright stays with me as it would with pretty much all other photographers out there.  However, that’s just a legal term that I retain as the creator of the image.  You’re able to print and share the image as much as you’d like to – the only things that you can’t do is sell the images or claim that you took them.  Other than that, they are yours to do as you wish with.

How many pictures do you take in a session?2025-01-13T18:42:30+00:00

This is question that I get asked a lot and it’s a really tough one to answer as it depends on so many things.  If I’m photographing a baby and they’re in a great mood, then you have lots of photos where if they are finding things a bit difficult then you get less.  Gun to my head, if I had to offer an average image count, then I’d say that you can expect to find about forty fully edited images in your finished gallery but that can vary wildly so it’s probably not a very useful statistic for you.

What payment methods do you accept?2025-01-15T15:02:42+00:00

My preferred method of payment is bank transfer although I also accept credit and debit cards through the Stripe facility.

Can I order gift certificates?2025-01-13T18:41:52+00:00

Yes, you can order a gift certificate for any of my photography services. You can order a personalised voucher by following the link below…

How long do you keep the images?2025-01-15T15:02:46+00:00

I keep your images for 18 months following your session date and after this point, they are permanently deleted so if you are purchasing digital copies, I can’t stress enough to back them up safely.

When is the studio open?2025-01-06T14:43:21+00:00

My studio is open from Tuesday through Saturday from 10am to 6pm.

Do we see images in colour and black and white?2025-01-15T15:02:51+00:00

I present all of your images in colour and then I’ll add in black and white copies of some that I think particularly suit it. Of course, if you’d rather have an image in black and white then just ask and I’m happy to switch it over for you.

How long will it be until I see my pictures?2025-01-13T18:40:31+00:00

Each of your images is professionally edited and so there will be a bit of a delay before you can see your images while I get everything ready for you. This can vary according to a number of factors but generally, it’s about a two week wait before your images are uploaded to your private online gallery.  I’ll be able to advise you better on exact waiting times at your session.

Where do sessions take place?2025-01-15T15:03:02+00:00

Sessions take place at my warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down, West Sussex.   You can find out more about it including the address and directions at My Studio Page.

Is there a minimum spend?2025-01-15T15:03:06+00:00

There’s no minimum spend or nasty pricing surprises with any of my photography.   You’ll already know the price of your photo shoot and what’s included and if you’d like to order more, you simply do so from your online gallery.

How much are additional prints and digital images?2025-01-13T18:39:52+00:00

I believe in complete transparency when it comes to pricing so you won’t get any nasty surprises.  You’ll already know what your session fee includes in terms of images, and you can simply order more from your online gallery if you’d like to – there’s no sales or viewing session to attend.

Here are the prices for additional digital images and prints. 

How do we see our images?2025-01-13T18:39:52+00:00

About two weeks after your session, I’ll have your images edited and uploaded to your private online gallery.  There’s no sales or viewing session to attend. I’ll email you a link and a password and that will take you straight to your finished images.

What should we wear for our newborn’s photo shoot?2019-06-06T17:01:47+00:00

You’re always welcome to be part of your newborn photo shoot and those early days family photos can be ones to treasure.  In terms of what to wear, I recommend keeping clothes plain and neutral and coordinating tones if you’re both going to be in the images together as it will give you a nicer feel to the the finished images.   It’s worth bringing along your chosen outfit to change in to (I have a changing area) as the studio will be really warm so you might be more comfortable in something else whilst you are watching your images being created. Here’s an article you might find useful – what to wear for your newborn photo shoot. 

Do you edit the images?2019-06-06T16:58:39+00:00

Each of your finished images will have been edited by me and this takes at least as long as the session itself and most of the time, a lot longer.  Whoever said that someone had skin as smooth as a newborn had obviously never actually looked at a newborn.  So I work on their skin a lot to smooth out the colour and texture (without making them look waxy – you still want to be able to recognise that they are little people).  I will remove little scratches and spots and other temporary blemishes but I would never take out any birthmarks as that is part of your baby.    If you have special requests regarding image editing, then just need to let me know and we can talk it over.

Do you use a dummy?2019-06-06T16:55:01+00:00

I wouldn’t ever use a dummy on your child if it didn’t already belong to you and I’m certainly not going to wade into the dummy / no dummy debate.  If you have one, it can be a useful tool in terms of soothing a baby to sleep so I will use it if we think it will help.  If you don’t want to give your baby a dummy, then that’s no issue with me, we’ll get there by other means.  These are your parenting decisions and I’m not going to have an opinion either way.

Can we bring our own outfits and props?2019-06-06T16:52:43+00:00

You’re welcome to bring along anything that you’d like to include in your newborn photo shoot to make it personal to you.  Over the years, people have brought all sorts of things including sports equipment, team colours, toys, blankets and even a giant duck.  I’ll try to work in anything that you want to have in your finished images.  Multiple outfits can be difficult to manage whilst keeping your baby asleep so I’d recommend bringing them already in your favourite outfit if you’d like them photographed in it.   If you’re bringing along a prop for your baby to lie on or in, I’ll work with it if I think it is safe to do so and doesn’t pose any risks to them.  Here’s an article that you might find handy for inspiration – 5 things to bring to your newborn photo shoot

Why do you recommend a morning session?2019-06-06T16:45:49+00:00

For newborns, I find that we get the best success rates when sessions start at 10 or 11 am.  This is because babies don’t tend to sleep all that well at night (which seems like poor planning for everyone involved) and so they are at their sleepiest during the morning.  Sessions that start later can result in a more wakeful baby although of course it isn’t an exact science. The latest session start time that I will take for a newborn is 2.30pm as much later than that, and you are in the baby witching hour of 5pm when they can be very unsettled no matter what you do.

What if my baby needs feeding?2019-06-06T16:43:22+00:00

More than likely that your baby will need feeding at some point during your session and so that’s no problem at all.  We have plenty of time built in for feeding and settling.  Breast feeding is perfectly fine obviously (would be quite weird if that was going to be a problem).  It’s a warm and safe space where you won’t be interrupted by anyone so if you’re new to it and want to take your time, then that’s not an issue.

What if my baby pees or poos in the session?2019-06-06T16:41:17+00:00

If you take a nappy off a newborn then it’s more than likely that they will pee or poo at some point during their session.  I expect it to happen and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest – everything in the studio is washable including me.  We clean them up, change the stuff that got messed up and just carry on.

My baby still has their cord clamp, is that a problem?2019-06-06T16:39:19+00:00

Your baby’s cord can still be attached for your newborn photo shoot and it doesn’t cause much of an issue.  We’ll use fabrics and posing to hide in the finished images and it can mean that I have to work a little harder to get them comfy when they’re tucked up on their tummy (depending on the clamp placement) but it doesn’t normally cause an issue.

My baby has dry skin – is that a problem?2019-06-06T16:37:22+00:00

Most baby’s have dry patches on their skin after a few days, especially if they’ve been born past their due date.  It’s not a problem at all for your sessions though, I’ll use posing to minimise how much is on display and then editing to reduce (if not remove) the dry patches. I don’t actually over-process a baby’s skin in your finished images as I don’t like images that make them look waxy and unreal.  They’ll still have their skin texture which may include some little flakes and dry spots but then that is part of who they are at that moment in time.

I’ve already had my baby, is it too late for a newborn shoot?2019-06-06T16:33:32+00:00

It’s best to book while you are still pregnant to guarantee that I have availability at my studio for you.  However, if you’ve already had your baby and just decided that you’d like to have a newborn shoot, I’ll always do my best to fit you in if I can.  Just get in touch. 

Is newborn photography safe?2019-06-06T15:39:58+00:00

It’s perfectly natural to be protective over your brand new baby (or your child of any age for that matter) but you can be assured that I am very experienced at handling newborns.  Your session will be totally baby led and I will always be watching to check that their temperature is right, their circulation is good and that they are comfortable at all times.  Of course babies will sometimes cry during their session but I am skilled at knowing whether they are just having a bit of a grumble or whether we need to make adjustments to get them comfortable.  All the poses that I use are safe for your baby and I would never leave them unsupported or able to startle and fall.  Where poses require extra help, I will ask for assistance from a parent and use digital compositing to create a beautiful image in a situation where it would not be safe to leave a baby unsupported – an example of this would be picture that you might have seen with a baby in a hat or helmet or resting their head on their hands.  In cases like these, there is always a parent supporting them from different angles and then the images are stitched together to remove the parent from the final image.

What if my baby cries or doesn’t sleep?2019-06-06T15:33:38+00:00

One or both of those is pretty likely to happen during the course of your newborn photo shoot as it’s very rare that babies turn up fast asleep and remain that way throughout.  We have plenty of time to feed, settle and soothe them back to sleep so if they wake up or are unsettled, we just work through it until they are happy to nod off again.  Here’s an article you might find useful – What if my Baby cries at their Newborn Shoot

Can our dog be in newborn photos?2025-02-01T12:01:48+00:00

Speaking as the mother to fur babies myself, I know that dogs are definitely part of the family.  You are welcome to bring your dog along to a newborn photo shoot if you think that they will be happy to attend and able to settle relatively well.  It’s helpful for me to know in advance and also the size of dog you will be bringing so I can make sure I am set up for them to join in some of the pictures.  I recommend bringing along a lead, treats, and a favourite toy to keep them engaged and if you want to bring along a natty bow tie or other outfit, well, I’m certainly not going to object.

Can parents and siblings be in the photos?2019-06-06T15:27:42+00:00

Parents and siblings are welcome to be in the photos – although it’s not obligatory as sometimes new mums and dads don’t feel particularly camera ready.  Where siblings are still young themselves, I recommend that they join us at the end of the session so that they can be in photographs without having to be bored by having to wait around.  If you’re bringing them along for the whole of the shoot, then definitely bring them something to keep them entertained.  Just as a note, we don’t have very good mobile phone signal here so it’s worth downloading things that you want before you come if you are planning to use phones or tablets to play movies or games.  There’s an article below that you might find helpful.

How long have your been photographing newborns?2019-06-06T15:23:50+00:00

I’ve been a photographer for nearly two decades and photographing newborn babies since it first entered the UK market about six years ago.  So I’ve probably seen a few hundred in my studio over that time and have lots of experience in capturing these tiny people.

What props do you have?2019-06-06T15:22:28+00:00

For a lot of a newborn session, we will be working on my giant beanbag but I do have a range of props that you can select from as well if you’d like to – from miniature beds, to bowls and even a little vintage style trolley.   Working with newborns in  / on props does require them to be fairly settled and so I don’t recommend using more than two in a session.  You can find out more about my props by taking a look on my blog and there’s an article that might be helpful to you here – Newborn Props.

What should my baby wear for their photo shoot?2019-06-06T15:19:38+00:00

A lot of newborn photos are taken with your baby in just their nappy or naked (although they may be swaddled or wrapped).  Multiple outfit changes can be tricky as most babies don’t tend to like getting changed and so it is hard to do it whilst keeping them asleep so I don’t recommend bringing along a lot of clothing changes.  If you have an outfit that you’d like your baby to be photographed in, then I would suggest bringing them along already in it so we can get that done at the start of the session without having to change them.  It’s really helpful to me if you don’t bring them with lots of layers on as that just means I have to strip them off again and potentially disturb them so I’d suggest one layer and use blankets to keep them warm and toasty on their journey over.

How old should my baby be for a newborn photo shoot?2019-06-06T15:15:26+00:00

Newborn photography ideally takes place when your baby is between five and ten days old as this is when they are at their most sleepy and poseable.  After two weeks, they get much more aware of their surroundings and harder to keep asleep, or in a tucked up position.  Multiple births (which tend to be a little early) and babies that come along significantly before their due date have a little longer so it’s always worth getting in touch to talk things through.

How can I prepare for my session?2019-06-06T15:12:41+00:00

It can be a busy time when you’ve just had a baby so there’s no a lot that you need to do before your newborn photo shoot.  However, some things can be helpful

  • Try to keep your baby awake for an hour before you come
  • Dress them in just one layer and use blankets to keep them warm for the journey
  • Leave feeding your baby until just before you come (or feed them here if you have a longer journey) so they are as full as possible for their session.

There’s a whole article here that you might find helpful – Preparing for your Newborn Photo Shoot

What do I need to bring to my session?2019-06-06T15:08:49+00:00

I have plenty of props and accessories at my studio for you to choose from at your photo shoot so you don’t need to bring along anything other than your usual baby bag and maybe some drinks and snacks for yourselves. However, if you’d like to bring along items to include then you’re welcome to.  There’s an article you might find helpful here – What to Bring to your Newborn Photo Shoot. 

How do I know what date to book?2019-06-06T15:04:33+00:00

Obviously you don’t usually know exactly when your baby will arrive but it’s best to book your newborn photo shoot while you are still pregnant to guarantee I have availability for you.  We book your session for your due date plus seven days and then you just need to keep me posted if your baby arrives early so we can adjust it.  I’ll be in touch with you the week before your session if I don’t hear from you to see if we need to move it to a later date.

When should I book my newborn photo shoot?2019-06-06T15:01:16+00:00

I’d definitely recommend booking your newborn photography while you are still pregnant, any time after your 20 week scan is perfect.  This ensures that I have availability for you in your baby’s first two weeks as the studio can get quite busy.  If you are late booking, I’ll always do my best to accommodate you if I can but booking early means that you don’t have to worry about it when you’re just home from the hospital.

How long is a newborn photo shoot?2019-06-06T14:50:37+00:00

We schedule the studio for two hours although I never take back to back appointments so we are not rushed if we need a little extra time.   How long the actually photography takes depends entirely on how your baby is feeling, but we have plenty of time for feeding and settling if we need it.

How much is a newborn photo shoot?2019-06-06T14:45:01+00:00

A newborn photo shoot is £95 and that includes your two hour studio session, plus your three favourite digital images to download at print quality and share as much as you would like.  You also receive free membership to my baby photography club which you can find the full information on here.   With this, you get three additional sessions in your baby’s first year, one each at roughly four, eight and twelve months (which can be a cake smash / tub splash session if you’d like it to be).  At the end of the year, you pick your favourite image for a triple aperture wall frame.  The normal cost for the Joey Club is £39.95 for the year.

What size and format are the digital images?2025-01-15T15:03:10+00:00

Any digital images that you purchase will be sized at 10×8″ at 300ppi so perfect for printing up to this size or slightly larger (you have more flexibility on size when it comes to canvases as they are printed at a lower resolution).

Can I use my phone/camera in the studio ?2025-01-15T15:03:15+00:00

Sorry but no.  Obviously you can use your phone for making and receiving calls but I don’t allow any videography or photography inside the studio.  If you are caught recording or photographing the session, you will be asked to leave and the session will be terminated without refund.  All in all, that’s a horrible situation for us all to be in so please respect my copyright.

Everything You Need to Know About Newborn Photography

Welcoming a newborn is one of life’s most incredible moments, and capturing those early days with professional photography ensures you have beautiful memories to cherish forever. Whether you’re wondering when to book, how to prepare, or what to expect at your session, I’ve created a collection of helpful guides and resources to answer all your questions.

From safety in newborn photography to including siblings or pets, explore these expert articles to help you plan the perfect newborn photo shoot. Click below to find out more!  If you don’t find the answers to your question here, of course I’m always happy to help so just get in touch

Newborn Photography in East Grinstead

Newborn photo shoots are best when your baby is between 5 and 10 days old—this is when they’re at their sleepiest and curliest, perfect for capturing those beautifully serene images. To ensure you don’t miss out, I recommend booking while you’re still pregnant—we’ll set a provisional date for a week after your due date and adjust if needed once your baby arrives.

Your session takes place in my warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down, designed for your baby’s comfort. The shoot is relaxed, unrushed, and includes three digital images of your choice, all for £95. There’s no sales session—just a private online gallery where you can view and select your favourites at your own pace.

2025-02-28T12:34:58+00:00February 1st, 2025|Newborn Photography|

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