a newborn sleeping in a crocheted dinosaur costume

When it comes to newborn outfits, there are so many that you can find online and order to include in your newborn photo shoot. However, this was one with a difference!

This was made by a very clever grandma who had decided to learn to crochet when she found out she was being promoted to the rank of nanny in order that she could create gorgeous stuff like this for her grandson. Apparently she’d never picked up a hook before and taught herself from Youtube which is just so impressive as I’ve tried that loads of times and got precisely nowhere.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cuter outfit, plus dino pal of course!  It also was the perfect fit which is amazing  as a lot of the ones that you order online say that they are newborn sized but actually come up pretty big. I’m sure this talented lady could start her own business creating this stuff to sell to newborn photographers and she’d definitely make a profit!

As you can see, the little guy in question also approved of the choice! I foresee lots of outfits and buddies for him in the future,