Newborn Photography East Grinstead West Sussex

If you know me, you’ll know I love a bit of vintage floral and this is one of my favourite newborn shots – a gorgeous little human fast asleep amongst my peach peonies.

It’s a great way to completely transform a newborn photo without the complication of moving to a new prop or backdrop as the baby stays fast asleep and cosy and the flowers are just placed around them.  I’m a big fan of ‘easy but effective’ when it comes to newborn photography – a newborn is an unpredictable beast and you can never quite tell what they are going to do next.  I’m good with soothing them but moving between situations always comes with an element of ‘risk’ of disturbing them. In order to get the most amount of great quality images in your finished gallery, I’ve developed a number of techniques over the years to transition between things whilst disturbing them the least. Of course, if I have a ‘super-sleeper’ then I’m happy to work til they wake but there’s no harm on making things a little easier for everyone along the way!  The floral shots is a great example of this.

Actually this little lady was fast asleep for her whole session and a dream to work with so she’s not the best example but I mean, look how cute!

Newborn Photography

A newborn photo shoot is best when your baby is between 5 and 10 days old as this is when they are at their maximum sleepiness and poseability to capture those dreamy shots.  For this reason, I definitely recommend that you book when you are pregnant as this is one less thing to worry about scheduling when you’ve just got home from the hospital.   We make an appointment for your due date plus 7 days and then adjust it as needed.

My newborn shoots include your three favourite digital images which you select from your online gallery a few weeks after your photo shoot – I don’t make you attend a sales or viewing session.  Sessions take place in my warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down and cost £95.