a little boy in dungarees sits on a wooden chair

This little wooden chair is very cute but actually not requested that often as a prop in the studio. I’ve never been quite sure why.

I guess it’s kind of self-perpetuating, if you don’t see a prop in action very often, it’s likely to be at the back of your mind when you’re choosing what you’d like to include in your photo shoot.

It was a total bargain as I picked it up for £10 in a bit of a broken down state from Facebook Marketplace  and fixed it up for use in the studio. I get quite a lot of my props this way as it let’s me find unique pieces and then personalise them to exactly suit my needs.  Anyway, if you need a sign to use it at your next visit to the studio, then let this be it!

Baby Photography

You can book a stand alone baby photo shoot for £95 including three digital images or you can take a look at my Baby Photography Club which includes

  • Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
  • The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
  • Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year OR a free digital image from each session
  • Online private image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)
  • £39.95 for the sessions and the wall frame