In the course of my work, I get to meet all sorts of fabulous family related business people so I’m giving them some time on my blog to tell you all about themselves and the wonderful products and services they have to offer.  Here you can find out about Cheryl of Cai Baby Massage.  I’ve asked some questions and here’s the answers in her own words…

About Cai Baby Massage

Describe what your business does in one sentence?

Promotes parent/baby bonding & attachment through nurturing touch & baby massage

How long have you been trading?

Since June 2018

Are you a single operator / owner or do you have staff?

Owner & single operator

How did you come up with your business name?

I wanted a business name that would remind me of the reasons I started my business. I also wanted a name that would surround my work with love. Cai are the initials of my family.

The C is for Cheryl – to remind me I love facilitating my classes and the wonderful benefits of baby massage.

The A is for Andrew – my partner, who supports and encourages me.

The I is for Isabella, our daughter who inspires me constantly with her perseverance & joy. My experiences in parenting Isabella encouraged me to take the step to set up Cai Baby.

What makes your business different?

Cai Baby offers a 5 week course for babies from birth to 1. All classes are baby-led. The course I deliver is the IAIM program, which focuses on promoting the parent/baby bond and secure attachment.  IAIM is the International Association of Infant Massage, the largest and longest running infant massage association in the world – setting the gold standard in infant massage education & expertise.

What are you most proud of about your business?

I am most proud that Cai Baby Massage classes promote the parent/baby bond and help parents gain confidence in understanding their baby’s cues. They also offer parents an opportunity to get out of the house, enjoy a cup of tea and meet others. All of this is wonderful to witness and makes me very happy in my work.

What’s your biggest business challenge?

It has to be getting Cai Baby out there and known about by those wishing to book baby massage classes.

How have your overcome it?

I have active social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) and have focussed more recently on marketing & advertising. I’m also part of some wonderful local business networks.

Anything else about your business you want to add?

Cai Baby Massage is an eco-conscious & ethically aware business. My aim is to promote nurturing touch & baby massage, but not at the cost of the environment or workers around the world. I aim to minimise the plastic I use, while maximising organic, recycled, fair trade and local products.

Anything else about your business you want to add?

About Cheryl

What did you do before starting your business?

My background is in the charity sector. I have worked for baby loss charities for over a decade, providing bereavement support and working to improve the bereavement care parents receive when a baby dies.

Who is your biggest influence / supporter?

In terms of baby massage, Vimala McClure – the founder of the International Association of Infant Massage & Sylvie Hetu – my trainer.

What do you do to relax?

I like to walk and spend time outdoors noticing nature.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I’ve always been early bird.

What was the last film you watched or book you read?

I am currently reading ‘Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering’, by Sarah Buckley

First thing you’d buy if you won £10 million on the lottery?

A house. I’ve always rented and I would love to decorate my own home.

What are your words to live by?

If it sparks an interest, walk toward it.