Christmas Photos West Sussex Photo Shoot Event

My Snow Globe photos were a new addition to the studio in 2020 and I have to say I just loved creating them for people.

They’re created through the use of a digital backdrop and a short visit to the studio to set up the base shot for me to work with when I get back to the office.  They are perfect for holiday cards and I have one client who even had it made into a jigsaw for one very proud grandma.

If you had a session booked for November and December and 2020, you had the option of adding a snow globe image into your session or I ran a special event day for folk who just wanted to pop by and create it by itself.  A Snow Globe event session included the finished image and cost £25 – it sold out so fast, I already have the next year’s date scheduled and in 2021, you will have the choice of having a snow globe being held by a snowman or the jolly guy in red himself.

These sessions are perfect for little ones who are able to sit unsupported, they’re not suitable for very small children who haven’t mastered that skill yet or would require extra settling time as this is literally a five minute pop in session to create the image that I’ll use in your digital background. I can fit up to two children or a child and a dog in the case of this adorable image, and you’ll be able to book for next year’s session on October 1st!

I won’t ever make digital work the mainstay of what I do as I get a lot of joy in creating images in real life but I have to admit this festive sprinkling of digital magic was a great deal of fun and I hope it brought a lot of joy to all the families that took part and sent the resulting images along with their love in a year when personal visits were tricky.  So I say, bring on the Snow Globe event day next year – can’t wait!

Snow Globe Event Day in 2021 – 28th November