Maternity Photo Shoot Dress West Sussex

As part of preparing the studio for reopening after lockdown, I’ve been developing a catalogue of images of all of the props, outfits and accessories that you can select from to include in your photo shoot.

That way, you can browse the range for your type of photo shoot online before you come and complete a simple form to let me know what you’d like to have for your shoot. Then I retrieve the items from storage and have everything ready for you when you arrive.  It’s part of the plan to minimise your time in the studio and also I have to store all props either behind plastic or in a separate area at the moment so it’s a bit harder to lay hands on things quickly when I need them.

Anyway, that’s how it all started but it’s had some unexpected benefits.  Firstly it’s reminded me of all the lovely things that I’ve accumulated over the years and also means that you can see all of them – even the ones that are normally stored outside of the studio.  There are some items that are harder to store so they were a bit ‘out of sight and out of mind’ and now they are getting included in sessions more which is great.

Secondly, it has forced me to look at whole collections and see where I may be have holes. This beautiful peach pink maternity photo shoot dress came from exactly that – I realised that I had a blue maternity dress but nothing in a girlier style (the rest of mine are all either black or white).  So it was an easy and enjoyable little shopping expedition to rectify that gap and complete my collection.

Maternity Photography in East Grinstead

My maternity sessions are very flexible affairs with my studio booked for an hour so we have plenty of time to create a really varied image gallery. You’re invited to select up to three backdrops and include up to three outfit changes so you can mix and match styles to create the perfect set of pregnancy memories.

I recommend booking your session between 28-36 weeks so you’re still comfortable and you’re also welcome to borrow any of my gorgeous maternity photo shoot dresses while you’re in the studio.  You select your pictures and order any more that you would like directly from your online gallery, there’s no sales or viewing session to attend.