If you have a little mermaid in your family and you’re looking for the perfect Christmas gift for them then I think I might have the answer for you!
A mermaid photo shoot gift certificate will let them create a piece of beautiful art for their wall featuring them in mermaid form.
The actual session is very simple as the goal here is to capture the perfect image to be transformed later on into a beautiful mermaid. I provide the mermaid tail, bikini top and a choice of headdress for use at the sesssion. Although we don’t actually need the tail as we’ll be blending your mermaid into a digitally enhanced tail, I am a firm believer that you should always wear a mermaid tail if the opportunity presents itself.
The session takes between ten and fifteen minutes, we chat about mermaids, have some fun, take some photos so I have plenty of options to work with back in my editing suit and then you’re on your way.
The real work goes on back in my office where your little one is mermaidised (yep, pretty sure that’s a word) and you’ll be able to download your print quality artwork from your gallery about a week after your session – all ready for printing, framing, and admiring.