Dog Photography in West Sussex

This month’s cover star is Lexi the Rottweiler.  She’ll be steering us through the sunny (hopefully) month of July on all of my social media pages and I think you’ll agree she is up to the task.

I pick a different theme every year for my cover star shoots and this year, all of my models have had fur and tails. I was going to say that they’ve all had four paws and a tail but actually one of them only had three paws (not that he was in the slightest bit bothered about the additional paw being missing).  It’s been one of my favourite years to do the shoots as I’ve met so many awesome dogs.  Lexi was the first Rottweiler that I’d ever met in person and she was just the biggest lovebug.  The only problem we had was stopping her crawling into my lap for cuddles and getting her to pose instead.  But we got there and it was totally worth it.

Take it away Lexi – July is all the better for you being there…