Snow Globe Photo Shoots West Sussex 2022
Snow Globe Photo Shoots West Sussex 2022

So my main Christmas sessions have now sold out and in record time – can’t wait to get festive with you all in November if you managed to grab one.

However, if you missed out and you’re still looking for the perfect holiday card or gift image, then you could always book in to create your very own Snow Globe photo.

They’ll be available in the studio from the start of October (for you early birds) until December 10th.  These sessions are open to up to two children and they’re literally a five minute visit to the studio to create the base image with the rest of the work to create your perfect Christmas card image taking place back at my desk.  Your finished image will be back with you within five days ready for you to order your cards or make it into the perfect Christmas gift.

Sessions cost £20 including the image at print resolution.

These sessions are suitable for up to two children and they need to be able to sit unsupported in order to take part.  It’s not suitable for newborns or other small children who can’t support themselves or may require extra settling time.  When you book a Snow Globe photo shoot, that is all that we will be doing in the studio so if you want other images as well, then you’ll need to book a standard family / baby session.