Oakley is a fan of ducks it would appear. He was most taken with the opportunity to bathe with a paddling of them (yep, I Googled it and that’s one of the collective nouns for ducks).
He ate some cake and then it was time to get our ducks quite literally in a row and get ready for a good old splash in the tub. This is brand new set of ducks and so I have more than I did before which was something that delighted Oakley. He was so keen on my giant duck, he even wanted to have him in the bath. That doesn’t always go so well as he can look awfully big to a little person when he’s actually in the bath with you but he was quite a welcome addition as far as our man was concerned. There’s always a choice of accessory sets to go along with your tub splash but the ducks must be the most popular one that I have!