Baby Samuel is posing in one of these photos with a family heirloom – that’s his daddy’s watch that one day (a very long way in the future) will be his.  He has some growing into it to do but then he has all the time in the world to work on that.

Photos are heirlooms too in a way. I mean all of us have family going back over generations that we never got to meet and when we get the chance to see photos of them, you can always feel that you get to find out a little bit about them that way.  That’s why family photos are really things to be treasured and I don’t think that’s changed at all despite us being in the digital rather than print age.   It pleases me massively to think that Samuel’s descendants might one day look at these photos of his earliest days and feel a little more connected to him because of it.

Newborn Photography

A newborn photo shoot is best when your baby is between 5 and 10 days old as this is when they are at their maximum sleepiness and poseability to capture those dreamy shots.  For this reason, I definitely recommend that you book when you are pregnant as this is one less thing to worry about scheduling when you’ve just got home from the hospital.   We make an appointment for your due date plus 7 days and then adjust it as needed.

My newborn shoots include your three favourite digital images which you select from your online gallery a few weeks after your photo shoot – I don’t make you attend a sales or viewing session.  Sessions take place in my warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down and cost £95.