So this year I had my first ever Mermaid Photo Shoot Event – it was sort of spur of the moment decision as it wasn’t something I had planned to have in the event calendar. It just seemed like it would be fun so I did it.

It turns out that it was amazingly fun so I’ve added into the calendar for next year so I can do it all over again.  I had my usual digital mermaid option which is suitable for little mermaids over five years old (they need to be able to follow directions and stay in a pose to get the right base photo for the mermaid art) but also a real life set for those mermaids aged 2 – 5 so they could share in the fun.  These are some of the digital mermaids that came to visit to create their own piece of beautiful and unique digital artwork.

You can book a digital mermaid photo shoot at any time – they’re part of my general studio calendar (the real life set will only be available at the Mermaid event days) and it’s even better now as there are three different styles of digital mermaid to select from so you will be able to pick your favourite to create!