So following on from my last post about awkward Christmas holiday cards (which didn’t use my images I hasten to add), here’s another seasonal post. Well it is December, I have crammed twinkly lights into every available space in my studio and house and so it’s fair to say my thoughts have officially gone festive…
Anyway, back to the point. From awkward holiday cards to this little beauty that I received yesterday. This one is not awkward and they are my images and I just love to see what this family have done with them. I reckon there will be a lot of friends and family who receive this card who will be thrilled to see the newest family member – baby Kilian – especially I know that there are quite a lot of family who live abroad and won’t have had the chance to meet him yet.
It’s a little bit exciting to know that images that I created in my studio in Crawley Down will be raising smiles on the other side of the world 🙂