Cake Smash Photo Shoots in East Grinstead West Sussex
Cake Smash Photo Shoots in East Grinstead West Sussex

Last week, a client had requested a floral set up for her daughter’s cake smash and I was only too happy to oblige.

She brought along her own cake stand to include and I loved how the dark wood looked in the set so I simply had to have one to offer my clients for their sessions in the future.   I always describe myself as having a Magpie heart because sometimes clients bring in items so pretty and shiny that I just have to have them for myself. Obviously, I order my own – just to be clear, I don’t actually rob folk who come to visit!

So you can see the set up that started the whole cake stand envy thing and then the wooden one that I bought to include in my prop stash.  The log slice one?  Well that just fell into my basket while I was browsing and so there wasn’t a whole lot I could do about that.

Cake Smash & Tub Splash First Birthday Photo Shoot

A first birthday smash and splash photo session includes access to all the props, backdrops and accessories and also your three favourite digital images to download, print and share as much as you would like.  The cost for this is £95.