Baby Photography in West Sussex

There’s an age where babies work out that their hands belong to them and they can do stuff with them.  Until that point, they’ve been something of a mystery.

When they’ve solved that mystery of course, they want to test the limits of what you can accomplish with them and that generally means putting them in their mouths at every opportunity.  It usually coincides about with the start of teething so that’s a double bonus for them but maybe a bit more difficult in the studio for us!

There’s no secret ‘baby photographer’ trick to getting photos of them without their hands in their mouth.  You just keep a parent nearby and get them to unhook their hands and then I try and catch it before they work out what we’ve done and put them back in again.  This guy fell very much into that category but this one of his pictures proves a point that this phase can also lead to adorable little shots like this.  All baby ages (and I think probably all ages) have their particular quirks and I’ve just learned to go with the flow and reap the benefits that they have to offer.

Baby Photography

You can book a stand alone baby photo shoot for £95 including three digital images or you can take a look at my Baby Photography Club which includes

  • Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
  • The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
  • Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year OR a free digital image from each session
  • Online private image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)
  • £39.95 for the sessions and the wall frame