This very proud little lady came to visit for her official portrait and, although I don’t tend to use a lot of props when it comes to dog photography, she just seemed the perfect size for this little grey chair.
It is actually designed to be a dog bed although I originally bought it as it is just the right size for little people but it is a great prop for smaller dogs and especially for more senior dogs as it is nice and low to the ground which makes it easy for them to get on and off. As with mobile little people, it can be really useful to give a dog a little spot to focus on for their photos – the temptation to run around and sniff everything is pretty great at a new location and so a little gentle encouragement to stay still for a little minute is a great thing. I have a collection of chairs, boxes, bowls and crates that we can use for just this purpose so you get the perfect picture of your dog, still and focused with their personality shining through.