You can use this page to send over your wedding deposit payment of £150.  Once I have this along with your Wedding Booking Form, I will confirm your booking and we will catch up nearer to your wedding date to finalise our plans.

Paying by Bank Transfer

You are welcome to pay by bank transfer. Please use your surname as the reference and if you could drop me a quick email to let me know that this is how you have paid, that would be appreciated. Details are below…

Bank: Lloyds

Account: Sarah Fisher

Sort Code: 3 0 – 9 2 – 3 8

Acccount Number: 4 4 8 7 4 5 6 0

Paying by Credit / Debit Card

I can accept credit and debit cards via PayPal (you don’t need to have a PayPal account in order to do this). You can use the form below by entering the bride’s surname as the reference and clicking on the Send Payment button.  This will open PayPal which will be set to send the £150 deposit payment straight to my account.[qpp form=”WeddingDeposit”]