One of my Favourite Studio Visitors

Look I love all my clients equally but I can't help but have a special fondness for this gorgeous little girl.   She's just such a joyful little soul and she's been a real giggle at each of her Joey Club sessions. 

2024-10-19T14:18:29+00:00October 30th, 2024|Cake Smash|

Ducks in the Tub

My duck accessory set is an unsurprisingly popular addition to the tub splash section of a first birthday photo shoot.  They're bright, they're cheerful and kids just love to meet them! They are also great in that they work wonderfully with any backdrop and any of the tub choices that you can select - here you can see them looking fab with both the rustic tin tub and my miniature claw foot.  They're just all round fabulous fun! First Birthday Photo Shoots When it comes to capturing the memories of that [...]

2024-09-14T12:15:48+00:00September 23rd, 2024|Cake Smash|

Cake Smash Decoration Hack

A while ago I posted about some really cool jungle themed cake decorations that a client of mine had used when they came to visit. They were so good that I actually thought that they'd had their cake professionally made so I made sure I got the details and shared them on here (you can use the button below to see the original post).  I just love to find hacks and tricks to make life a little bit easier when you're coming to visit - you already have your hands full with a one year old anyway so [...]

2024-08-03T15:19:38+00:00August 7th, 2024|Cake Smash|

Cake Smashing and Sibling ‘Love’

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I think this little trilogy tells the story in a lot less than that. Essentially, it is a tale as old as time of a sibling realising that another sibling is getting in on the act and actually eating some of their birthday cake.  How very dare they? Generally I don't advise getting siblings involved in a cake smash for the whole of it (unless you have one year old twins obviously) as it doesn't look that great and clearly it can lead to [...]

2024-08-03T15:09:29+00:00August 5th, 2024|Cake Smash|
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