Lottie at her recent Smash the Cake photo shoot.  Despite her sticky smile in the cake smash photo, she wasn’t actually that keen on the cake to begin with but I have a lot of experience with these in terms of getting little people to enjoy exploring this new experience and in getting you great cake smash images.  Then of course, there’s always the tub splash.  I added this a year ago in order to, firstly get your little one unstickied and also to add another layer of fun for them to experience.  If they aren’t keen on getting messy, then usually they are happy splashers!

Luckily there doesn’t need to be total cake destruction in order to get a fantastic first birthday pictures although Lottie did find her feet (and her fingers) with the experience after a little gentle encouragement. Cake Smash and Tub Splash photos are a brilliant way to both celebrate and commemorate that very first birthday – after all, it’s been quite a year and definitely worth marking.  We start with some ‘normal’ portraits, including some family ones if you’d like them, and using my first birthday props. Then we move on to the main cake smashing event, cleaning up with the tub splash afterwards and getting more great images.