There’s always time for siblings to get involved at a baby club photo shoot and I think we can already see that there’s going to be a healthy amount of mischief in the future of these two!
Sometimes the bond between brothers and sisters just shines through and I have to say that this was definitely the case with these two! My big grey chair is a very popular choice for sibling shots as it keeps everyone in one place, supports little ones who aren’t entirely confident in sitting up by themselves and also it’s just really cute. The other advantage of it is that, if the smaller person is already crawling, it can provide a little bit of interest for them to stay in one place. There’s always a parent close on hand just out of shot in case that fails of course!
We usually start with siblings at a Joey Club shoot as it means that the big brother or sister isn’t getting bored waiting for their turn and they have the chance to demonstrate to their little sibling that everything’s just fine in the studio. Then we can move along to family or solo shots – it’s a very flexible affair.
Baby Photography
You can book a stand alone baby photo shoot for £95 including three digital images or you can take a look at my Baby Photography Club which includes
- Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
- The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
- Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year OR a free digital image from each session
- Online private image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)
- £39.95 for the sessions and the wall frame