Newborn photography does require quite a lot of props in some ways if you’re going to be able to offer parents a choice of colour scheme – I have a ton of blankets, wraps and little fabric accessories that allow me to be really flexible in creating newborn images that totally suit your style.

Unfortunately when you’re working with a newborn, there’s not always time to put things back properly when you’re finished with them (well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!) and so things can get a bit jumbled as you finished one set up and quickly move on to the next one.  So I took some time this week to have a good old sort out of my main studio newborn props on their shelves. I got rid of some stuff that I’ve had kicking around for ages and I don’t use any more – fashions change just as much in newborn photography as they do anywhere else – and had a sort out and reorganise. Everything is now organised and colour coordinated and there were even a few little spaces.  OK, they won’t be there for long as I went shopping for some new bits to fill them but I did enjoy seeing them for a little bit!

I’ve been doing this photography thing for a lot of years so although I’ve promised myself that I’ll work more neatly in the future and put everything back where I got it from after each session.  I’m not naïve enough to think that this is a promise that I’ll keep so I’ll be back sorting out the shelves again in a few months but for now I’ll just stand and admire them in their perfect form…