Baby Photography in East Grinstead West Sussex

I offer a lot of options when it comes to props, accessories and backdrops for your baby photo shoot and I try to have items that reflect all different styles, taste and insterests.  However, it’s sometimes nice to strip it all back and just let your baby’s gorgeous face do all the work.

This shot was not really a planned one, the little girl just happened to be lying on my giant beanbag while we were setting up for another shot and her mum pointed out how cute she was looking so we just took the shot and I think it’s one of my favourites from the session.  It’s simple but then, when you look that cute, what more do you need?

We always have a rough plan for the session but things sometimes don’t go as expected so we just go with the flow and if a great, unexpected opportunity pops up, well, we just grab it.

Baby Photography

You can book a stand alone baby photo shoot for £95 including three digital images or you can take a look at my Baby Photography Club which includes

  • Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
  • The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
  • Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year OR a free digital image from each session
  • Online private image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)
  • £39.95 for the sessions and the wall frame