Baby Photography Club in West Sussex

This is quite a common question that I get when folk are booking their baby photography club photo shoots.   The answer is as many as you want.

I’m down with creating whatever images you would like as part of your photo shoot – I don’t limit you to one style of photography. For some people, this means they have several outfits that they want to include so go right ahead as far as I’m concerned.

However, where this system can fall down is when it comes to your baby’s tolerance for getting changed. Therefore, if you have multiple outfits to include, we get them all out before we start the session and prioritise them. That also lets me see what I’m working with and get out any complementary blankets and props that I think would work well with them. When we have the in priority order, we then work out if we can layer stuff up to minimise the changing fuss. Then we get going and get through as much as we can before your baby gets the hump with us changing them!  Simple as that…