Christmas is peeking it’s festive head around the corner and, dare I say it, it might be time to start thinking about your Christmas shopping list.
Family photos can make amazing gifts for family – all of your together, pictures of kids in a frame, on a mug or on a mouse mat or a gift certificate for someone who’s always saying they will get round to having some done and needs a bit of a push.
The best part about giving photos as presents is that you can totally avoid the Christmas crowds with one fun easy visit to the studio. You can mix and match family groups within your session so you can create a variety of images to gift. All of your images are viewed and ordered online so no need to set foot on the high street to create a present that you know they’ll love. Simply print, wrap and relax!
Family Photography
A family photo shoot in my warm and welcoming studio in Crawley Down is suitable for groups of up to two adults and three children (please call me to discuss before booking if your group is larger than this). The session fee includes three digital images and costs £95. As with all of my photography, there’s no sales or viewing meeting to attend – you simply view and order what you would like from your private online gallery. Here’s a link to my digital and print pricing.