I’ve been wanting to redecorate my studio’s changing room and toilet area for ages but it was going to be such a long and messy job and I could never find enough time with the studio empty to get it done.

So when lockdown gave me the gift of time, it was an ideal opportunity to get it all freshened up.  So I stripped it all out, chipped up the old vinyl floor (inch by painful inch might I add) and set about repainting.  I wanted to cover the old dark wood with white paint which I love now but might have thought twice about had I known it was going to take quite so many coats!  We reorganised the toilet facilities, added new tiles and new flooring.

Then it was time for the finishing touches, so I upcycled my prop dresser (aka dresser of stuff) to match and took the time to curate all it’s contents, add some bits and get rid of stuff that I don’t use any more.  We replaced the water heater which was bit temperamental with a new efficient one so we have piping hot water instantly, added in new artwork, got rid of the dusty nets and frosted the windows. Just love how it all came together.   It’s one of the best projects that I completed during lockdown!