This fella was a bit older than 12 months as his final Joey Club session had been delayed for one reason and another so he was a very confident mobile little man by the time he came to visit.

He was full of fun and charming to watch but it did pose a little bit of a challenge when it came to getting him to stay still long for enough for me to take his picture!  Of course, it’s not an unusual challenge for a baby photographer to face and so there’s a few strategies to make it all work.  The first is shoot fast.  There’s a few minutes when even the most mobile of little person is content to sit still as they’re in an unfamiliar environment and so it takes them a few minutes to find out what’s going on.  Then they’re usually pretty quick to work out that this would be a fun place to explore and they’re off.  The key then is to having props that will hold their interest for those precious minutes, and the phrase ‘reset, let’s go again’.   It’s not clever, but it works!

Included in my baby photography club for £39.95

  • Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
  • The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
  • Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year
  • Online image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)