Is it a good thing when your one year old client is out styling you with her nautical look and bright yellow shoes?  Not that she would actually have to try too hard to outstyle blue jeans and a black tshirt but she did look extremely good!

She was mobile and so we used some props for her to look at and climb on to keep her in one place for long enough to take her picture!  Then we moved on to a little bit of a tub splash to finish up with.  Her mum wasn’t a fan of the cake smash and she wasn’t a fan of getting messy so we just did the tub splash – it’s a totally mix and match situation. You can do both, either or none at all – whatever helps you to create the images that you will love!

Included in my baby photography club for £39.95

  • Sessions at 4, 8 and 12 months
  • The last session as a cake smash / tub splash if you’d like it (no extra charge)
  • Your favourite image from each session in a wall frame at the end of the year
  • Online image gallery after each session (no sales / viewing appointments)