This is Niyah and her big sister at her second baby photography club photo shoot – aged around 8 months old.  She’s not quite crawling yet but she sitting very well and it definitely doesn’t look like it will be too long before she is on the move!

My baby photography club offers you three sittings in your first year with your baby – one each at four, eight and twelve months.  Then at the end of the year, you’ll see all of your photos again and pick your favourite from each session to be displayed in your souvenir triple aperture wall frame. All this for £39.95 for the year (or it’s included if you have been to the studio for a newborn photo shoot).  You’re welcome to purchase additional pictures – you’ll see them all in your online gallery after each session so there’s no sales or presentation meeting to attend.  Siblings and parents are welcome to join in for part of the shoot as well of course.

The age for the middle shoot is a bit of suggestion really as all babies tend to develop at different rates. Ideally, when you come to your second baby shoot, your baby will be sitting steadily on their own but not crawling yet.  That’s not to say it’s a problem if they are crawling, it’s just more difficult to keep them in one place when they’ve worked out how to get about. There’s a bit more baby chasing involved at this stage so the good news is that you’ll be able to skip the gym and burn your calories in my studio instead – I do quite love those crawling action shots though so it’s swings and roundabouts!